Aging Buildings and Crowded Classrooms Make Reopening Some Schools Difficult

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For some schools, following safety guidelines will be a challenge.GABI BUCATARU/Stocksy
  • A childhood medicine specialist said reopening schools could be successful if ventilation systems are upgraded and physical distancing among children is guaranteed.
  • Parents also have a big role to play in ensuring that the transition to in-person learning is successful, the specialist added.
  • An air quality expert said one of the biggest challenges that schools might face is the age of the buildings.

For many schools around the country, it’s been one of the toughest decisions during the pandemic: reopen school buildings or keep them shuttered.

Now, with President Joe Biden’s encouragement, many schools are preparing for in-person learning later this spring and in the fall.

In February, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) weighed in, saying that schools could reopen safely as long as several key mitigation strategies are in place.

These strategies include physical distancing and proper mask use by students, teachers, and staff.

The CDC’s recommendation has been embraced in many quarters, including by the National Education Association, the nation’s largest teachers union, as well as by several experts, school administrators, and professionals with expertise in building engineering.

But many schools face an uphill battle in making sure they can reopen while adhering to safety measures.

Source: healthline