Here’s How It Was Possible to Develop COVID-19 Vaccines So Quickly

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The high worldwide rates of people with COVID-19 initiated a joint effort in putting public and private resources toward finding a vaccine. sanjeri/Getty Images
  • Understanding how the COVID-19 vaccines were developed so quickly can help ease fears about them.
  • Resources, public support, existing technology, and more all contributed to the speed of vaccine development.
  • Lessons learned during COVID-19 vaccine developments might help with future vaccines.

The quick development of the COVID-19 vaccines is unprecedented and an encouraging step toward putting an end to the pandemic.

However, the expedited process has created concerns for some people who have a hard time believing that effective vaccines could be produced in such a short amount of time.

Since understanding how and why this was done can help demystify several details and ease fears, we break down key aspects of the development process and explain how this achievement was made in record time.

Source: healthline