3 Health Experts on What We’ve Learned After a Year of COVID-19

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The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it a period of chaos that left many wondering how the nation could be so ill-prepared for a public health crisis of this magnitude. Tempura / Getty Images
  • Since the first COVID-19 cases in the United States were detected about a year ago, the nation and the world have come a long way in understanding the virus.
  • Public health experts laud the development of the COVID-19 vaccines as a “Herculean effort” and a “terrific triumph.”
  • Challenges remain in addressing misinformation and vaccine hesitancy, grappling with the long-term effects of COVID-19, and preparing for the possibility of a future pandemic.

Roughly a year ago, the first cases of COVID-19 in the United States were detected, and lockdowns and restrictions to stop the spread of the virus were put into place.

Since then the nation and the world have come a long way in understanding the virus, known as SARS-CoV-2, which has claimed the lives of more than 500,000 people in the United States and 2.5 million people across the globe.

Healthline spoke with three infectious disease experts about the biggest lessons we learned over the past year and what our priorities should be as we head into year two of the pandemic.

Source: healthline