CDC Says Schools Can Reopen Safely During the Pandemic

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CDC officials say new data suggests it’s possible to open schools for in-person learning again, but safety is key during the pandemic. Catherine Delahaye / Getty Images
  • Newly released CDC guidelines recommend students return to in-person instruction, provided schools follow appropriate safety protocols.
  • Experts say that while there was uncertainty about how children in a classroom environment could impact community spread of disease, new data finds the actual risk to be low.
  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci has publicly backed the new guidelines and recommends we get our kids back in school.

The disruption to children’s lives from schools closing is one of the greatest challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to daily life.

According to one study, physical distancing and the isolation it causes have brought a “global psychological pandemic” of COVID-19-related suicides in young people.

Even while parents of school aged children protest school closures, teachers unions warn the risks associated with in-person teaching are unacceptable for educators.

However, a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may have settled the argument with new data showing it’s safe for students to return to the classroom.

Source: healthline