Mastering Tamagoyaki: The Japanese Rolled Omelette

Tamagoyaki, a sweet and savory Japanese rolled omelette, is a staple in Japanese cuisine, often found in bento boxes, sushi, and as a breakfast dish. This delightful dish is known for its unique texture and slightly sweet flavor, making it a beloved item both in Japan and worldwide. Here’s how to make Tamagoyaki at home.


  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 tablespoons dashi (Japanese soup stock)
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon mirin (sweet rice wine)
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • Vegetable oil for cooking


  • Tamagoyaki pan (rectangular or square) or a regular non-stick skillet
  • Chopsticks or a silicone spatula
  • Small mixing bowl
  • Measuring spoons


  1. Prepare the Egg Mixture:
    • In a small mixing bowl, crack the eggs and whisk them gently until the yolks and whites are just combined. Avoid over-whisking to prevent air bubbles.
    • Add the dashi, soy sauce, mirin, and sugar to the eggs. Stir until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is well-combined.
  2. Heat the Pan:
    • Heat your tamagoyaki pan or non-stick skillet over medium heat. Lightly oil the pan using a paper towel dipped in vegetable oil to create a thin, even coating.
  3. Cook the First Layer:
    • Pour a thin layer of the egg mixture into the pan, just enough to cover the bottom. Tilt the pan to ensure the egg spreads evenly.
    • Cook until the egg is set but still slightly runny on top.
  4. Roll the Omelette:
    • Using chopsticks or a silicone spatula, gently lift one edge of the egg and start rolling it towards the other end of the pan. Roll it gently and evenly, keeping the roll tight.
  5. Move the Roll:
    • Push the rolled egg to one side of the pan. Re-oil the exposed part of the pan if necessary.
  6. Add More Egg Mixture:
    • Pour another thin layer of the egg mixture into the pan, ensuring it flows underneath the rolled egg. Tilt the pan again to spread the mixture evenly.
    • Cook until this layer is almost set, then roll the existing roll back over the new layer, starting from the end you finished rolling previously.
  7. Repeat the Process:
    • Continue this process, adding more layers of egg mixture, rolling, and moving the omelette to one side, until all the egg mixture is used up. Each layer should be thin and cooked until just set before rolling.
  8. Shape the Tamagoyaki:
    • Once all the layers are rolled, gently press the roll with your spatula or chopsticks to shape it evenly.
    • Transfer the tamagoyaki to a bamboo sushi mat (if available) and roll it up to help shape and compact it further.
  9. Slice and Serve:
    • Allow the tamagoyaki to cool slightly. Slice it into even pieces, about 1 inch thick.
    • Serve warm or at room temperature. Tamagoyaki can be enjoyed on its own, with rice, or as part of a larger meal.

Tips for Perfect Tamagoyaki:

  • Control the Heat: Keep the heat at medium to avoid browning the eggs too quickly. You want a nice, even cook without burning.
  • Consistency: Aim for thin, even layers for the best texture. Pour just enough egg mixture to cover the bottom of the pan each time.
  • Patience: Take your time with rolling and shaping each layer to ensure a tight, well-formed omelette.

Tamagoyaki is a delicious and versatile dish that showcases the delicate balance of sweet and savory flavors in Japanese cuisine. With a bit of practice, you can master the technique of making this elegant rolled omelette at home, adding a touch of authenticity to your meals. Whether served in a bento box, as part of a sushi spread, or simply enjoyed on its own, tamagoyaki is sure to delight your taste buds.

Vegan Tamagoyaki