Medicare Upgrades: Biden Plan Would Enhance Dental, Vision, and Drug Price Coverage

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The $3.5 trillion spending plan proposed by the Biden administration would make significant changes to the Medicare program. Oliver Contreras/Sipa/Bloomberg via Getty Images
  • The Biden administration’s “human infrastructure” proposal would expand Medicare coverage for dental, vision, and hearing aids.
  • It also would attempt to lower the cost for prescription drugs.
  • The proposal also explores the possibility of lowering the eligibility age to under 65.

Some experts call the current proposed Medicare changes the most expansive since President Lyndon Johnson signed the health plan into law in 1965.

The proposals are part of the Biden administration’s “human infrastructure” package. Senate Democrats passed the framework of a budget resolution for the plan and sent it to the House.

It has a big price tag — $3.5 trillion dollars — but few details.

Source: healthline