No, Lockdowns Don’t Do More Harm Than COVID-19

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While lockdowns can affect your health in a number of ways, new research shows that they don’t impact health more than COVID-19 itself, at least not in the short term. MoMo Productions/Getty Images
  • Many have speculated that pandemic lockdowns have harmed people more than COVID-19 itself.
  • However, a review of the data suggests that this isn’t the case.
  • The study authors concede that the lockdowns aren’t without consequences.

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many have questioned whether the health impacts of the lockdowns have been worse than the disease itself.

For example, some have claimed that it’s been harder for people to access healthcare during the pandemic, leading to more death and illness from causes other than COVID-19.

It’s also been suggested that the isolation of social distancing may have resulted in higher rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide in the population.

To determine whether there’s any truth to these claims, an international team of scientists conducted a review.

Their conclusion? While lockdowns have impacted health, the effects don’t appear to outweigh those of COVID-19 itself, at least in the short term.

Source: healthline