Got the Hiccups? This L-Shaped Straw Device May Be the Cure You Need

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Can curing hiccups really be as simple as sipping water through this L-shaped straw device? Photography courtesy of HiccAway
  • Many home remedies can be used to stop annoying hiccups.
  • But a new device called the HiccAway promises to work better than any of them.
  • The inventor of the device says it showed 90 percent better performance than traditional home remedies in his study.
  • However, there were some problems with the study, including the lack of a control group.

When you get hiccups, what’s your favorite cure? Maybe you drink a glass of cold water or you breathe into a paper bag?

Dr. Ali Seifi, FNCS, FCCM, an associate professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, says he has invented something better than any home remedy: a drinking straw that cures hiccups.

His device, called the HiccAway, uses the scientific principles behind hiccups to cure them in a simple but effective way.

Source: healthline