Delta Plus, Epsilon, Gamma: New COVID-19 Variants Have Scientists Worried

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There are several COVID-19 variants that scientists say are gaining strength around the world, including in the United States. KENA BETANCUR/AFP via Getty Images
  • The delta variant is poised to become the dominant COVID-19 strain in the United States, but there are concerns other mutations are gaining strength.
  • Among them are the delta plus, gamma, and epsilon variants.
  • Experts say unvaccinated people provide the novel coronavirus with a place to spread and mutate.

Los Angeles County health officials are so worried about the rapid spread of the COVID-19 delta variant, they’re urging residents to put their masks back on when indoors at public places, whether they are vaccinated or not.

That recommendation comes as some countries return to lockdowns and put public health restrictions back in place.

The delta variant, first identified in India, is on track to become the most dominant variant worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) says it has been detected in 92 countries.

“It is so highly contagious,” said Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Tennessee.

“It’s already causing about a quarter of all U.S. cases and is on the climb,” he told Healthline. “It’s anticipated that within a month, it will also become the most dominant strain in the United States.”

Source: healthline