No, COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Cause New Coronavirus Variants

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Despite false claims making the rounds on social media, COVID-19 vaccines are not responsible for the new variants of the novel coronavirus that have emerged. Halfpoint Images/Getty Images
  • Dubious claims that vaccines are causing new variants of the novel coronavirus are spreading on social media.
  • These false reports have increased after French virologist Luc Montagnier was reported to have made the same claim in an interview.
  • However, scientific evidence shows the opposite is true.
  • Medical experts say virus mutations occur randomly and independently of vaccination.
  • In addition, vaccines can play a role in squashing the variants.

False stories that vaccines are responsible for creating the new SARS-CoV-2 variants began rapidly spreading online after French virologist Luc Montagnier was reported to have made the claim in a recent interview for a documentary called “Hold-Up.”

In a video clip of the interview circulating on sites like Facebook, Montagnier claims that the novel coronavirus does not die when faced with the antibodies that are produced by the vaccines. Instead, it finds “another solution,” and that solution is the variants.

Montagnier, who co-won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for identifying HIV, expanded on his claim further, saying, “You see it in each country; it’s the same: The curve of vaccinations is followed by the curve of deaths.”

However, other medical experts say Montagnier is wrong and that the science shows the opposite to be true.

Source: healthline