What Podcaster Joe Rogan Gets Completely Wrong About COVID-19 Vaccines

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Health experts were quick to correct Joe Rogan’s recent statements suggesting that young healthy people don’t need the COVID-19 vaccine. Michael S. Schwartz / Getty Images
  • Popular podcaster Joe Rogan recently told his listeners that young people in good health should skip getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Numerous health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, were quick to point out that younger, healthier people can easily contract and transmit the coronavirus.
  • Mild COVID-19, even in younger people, can lead to long-term symptoms that last for months.
  • To achieve herd immunity and effectively end the COVID-19 pandemic, health officials say it’s essential for all eligible people to get vaccinated.

Comedian and podcaster Joe Rogan recently advised his younger fans not to get the COVID-19 vaccine if they’re in good health.

Health experts and officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, were quick to scrutinize Rogan’s remarks, saying his comments were incorrect and that even young healthy people could contract an infection and transmit the coronavirus to other people in their communities.

Good underlying health does not guarantee you won’t get seriously ill with COVID-19 or even get a mild infection that transforms into long-haul symptoms.

Study after study, however, has shown that COVID-19 vaccines essentially eliminate the risk of hospitalization and death, and reduce chances of transmission if people do contract an infection after vaccination.

If you don’t want to protect yourself against COVID-19, do it for other people, experts advise.

The quicker more people get vaccinated, the sooner we’ll reach herd immunity and get some normalcy back.

Source: healthline