Began Exercising While Working Remotely? How to Maintain After Returning to the Office

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Many people who identified as “non-exercisers” in the past began working out during the pandemic. But experts say maintaining these behaviors over the long term can be challenging without a plan. Getty Images
  • More people are beginning to return to the office after months of working remotely.
  • A new survey found that nearly 60 percent of those who identified as “non-exercisers” in the past are now actively exercising an average of 2.64 times each week since returning to the office.
  • If you’re new to maintaining a regular fitness routine, experts say it’s important to start low with less strenuous activities and progress gradually.
  • Making sure to enjoy the type of exercise you’re doing can help you stick to new routines and maintain a higher level of fitness.

Given that the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted behaviors and daily routines, how has it affected the way people approach fitness?

A survey out late this summer reveals that this current phase of the health crisis in the United States — with people returning to offices and social engagements, that regular ebb and flow of day-to-day life resembling something like pre-pandemic times — has spurred some of those who were least active to embrace physical fitness in their routines.

Source: healthline