- The Mississippi State Department of Health is warning residents not to use the veterinary formulation of the drug ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19.
- The warning is similar to statements from the Food and Drug Administration, National Institutes of Health, and even the drugmaker itself, Merck.
- Health experts stress that vaccines and proven treatments, such as monoclonal antibodies, are by far the best, and safest, available options to prevent and treat COVID-19.
- Misuse of the veterinary formulation of ivermectin can lead to serious neurological side effects and even death.
The Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) recently issued a warning against using the veterinary formulation of ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19.
MSDH warned that animal drugs are “highly concentrated for large animals” and can be highly toxic when used for humans.
According to MSDH, Mississippi Poison Control Center has seen a significant uptick in calls, with 70 percent coming from people with potential ivermectin exposure.
“As we continue to learn about the COVID-19 virus and treatment modalities, it has become more common for people to turn to the internet to find out about treatments and preventative measures,” Teresa Murray Amato, MD, chair of emergency medicine at Long Island Jewish Forest Hills in New York, told Healthline.
“One frightening situation has led to a health alert from the state of Mississippi,” she said.
Source: healthline