Can Vaccinated People Eat Indoors, Travel, or See a Movie During Delta Surge? What Experts Think

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We’re at a particularly confusing point in the pandemic for the 50 percent of Americans who have been fully vaccinated. Jason Armond/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images
  • Navigating life among surging cases of the COVID-19 Delta variant can feel tricky — but it comes down to personal risk factors and transmission rates around you.
  • Vaccinated people with underlying conditions may want to take extra steps to safeguard their health.
  • Others may want to continue to wear masks if they’re in contact with people who are immunocompromised or children who are too young to be vaccinated.

As cases of the Delta variant rise and COVID-19 cases are breaking new records in some states, we’re at a particularly confusing point in the pandemic for the 50 percent of Americans who have been fully vaccinated.

We’re told the vaccines provide great protection against severe disease, hospitalization, and death — but that vaccinated people should also continue to mask up in certain situations.

Navigating life when the Delta variant is surging can feel tricky, but it all comes down to your personal risk factors and how transmission rates are around you.

Here’s what experts say vaccinated people should think about when determining what activities are safe to do amid the Delta surge.

Source: healthline