Post-Pandemic Joy: Why It Feels So Good to Do Simple Things Again

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Experts say enjoying simple activities again can release the hormone dopamine in our brain. Nina Westervelt/Bloomberg via Getty Images
  • Experts say the happiness people are feeling as they venture out into the world is real, as the COVID-19 pandemic eases in the United States.
  • They say, among other reasons, the return to even simple things such as dinner parties and grocery shopping releases the hormone dopamine, producing a joyful feeling.
  • Experts do warn, however, not to rush into activities and to be aware that not everyone around may be feeling the same euphoria as you.

For Keith Wexelblatt of Massachusetts, it was walking into a full-capacity playoff ice hockey game for his beloved Boston Bruins.

For Eileen Fetterolf of New Jersey, it was smiling at strangers and seeing their whole face smile back.

For Katie Black of California, it was seeing her medical specialists in person.

For many of us, feelings of euphoria are coming quickly as we move back into the things we could do before the COVID-19 pandemic began.

That feeling of joy is chemically based, experts say.

Is it good for us? Like many scientific questions, the answer reads like this: yes, no, or maybe.

Source: healthline