Different COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Among States Could Fuel Surges This Summer

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Summer travel has raised concerns among some experts about COVID-19 surges. Marko Klaric/EyeEm/Getty Images
  • U.S. COVID-19 vaccination rates vary drastically between states.
  • Some experts are concerned that the lower vaccination regions could produce surges or variants that could spread to other parts of the country.
  • However, other experts believe that enough people are getting vaccinated on a weekly basis, and that will prevent any serious rise in COVID-19 cases.

Seven in 10 people in Vermont have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine as the state nears its target vaccination rate of 80 percent — and potential herd immunity.

In Mississippi, however, just 1 in 3 have received at least an initial dose.

As the United States as a whole hits a 50 percent vaccination rate, the uneven compliance in different states and regions could pose some dangers for summer and fall, experts say.

“Communities with low vaccination rates can serve as hotspots of disease transmission that allow COVID to continue to spread,” said Brian Labus, PhD, MPH, an assistant professor in the department of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of Las Vegas in Nevada. “Disease spread isn’t contained by political boundaries, so what happens in one state affects people throughout the country.”

As a result, with more Americans traveling and mask mandates lifting in many states, COVID-19 may stick around even as people return to a sense of normalcy.

“We are likely to see occasional surges in disease until we have enough people vaccinated to prevent it,” Labus told Healthline. “Obviously, these are most likely to happen in areas where there is low vaccination coverage, but any community could see increased disease if vaccination levels are lower than needed for herd immunity.”

Experts aren’t certain what level of vaccination is required for herd immunity for COVID-19, but many speculate herd immunity will kick in when around 70 percent of a population is vaccinated.

Vermont and Hawaii are among states approaching that number, but most states still lag far behind.

Source: healthline