From Stress to Healthcare: How COVID-19 Is Impacting People of Color Differently

In a new survey, Healthline examined how COVID-19 impacts the mental and physical health of different people by ethnicity. Here’s how our findings highlighted the variety of health inequities experienced during the pandemic.

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People of Color have are experiencing a wide range of health inequities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kupicoo/Getty Images

Healthline recently conducted a survey that reveals health inequities by ethnicity.

Comparing data from 1,533 U.S. adults collected in February 2020 with data from 1,577 adults in December 2020, the survey revealed that People of Color (POC) are less likely to rate their overall health and wellness as “excellent” or “very good” compared with white Americans.

Moreover, COVID-19 specifically impacted the physical and mental health of POC.

“COVID-19 has brought to the forefront a tale of two pandemics. One of which has impacted every major system within our [country]: systemic racism. The other [pandemic], COVID-19, has made the general public aware of the inequities that exist within our systems of care as Black Indigenous Persons of Color (BIPOC) and those that identify as Latino or Latinx have always experienced disproportionate inequities in healthcare,” Andrea Heyward, deputy director of the Center for Community Health Alignment, told Healthline.

Healthline’s study revealed the following inequalities.

Source: healthline