Workplace Exposure to the Coronavirus Is Killing Many Hispanic Americans

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Exposure to the coronavirus at work is the reason a disproportionate number of working-age Hispanic Americans have died from COVID-19. Hispanolistic/Getty Images
  • A new study finds that a disproportionate number of Hispanic Americans have died from COVID-19 due to workplace exposure to the coronavirus when compared with their non-Hispanic white counterparts.
  • The study also found that, for Hispanic Americans, the largest excess COVID-19 case burden was among the working-age population.
  • Experts say risk reduction is a critical component of protecting workers.
  • Personal protective equipment and appropriate physical distancing should be a priority when possible.

According to a new study, a disproportionate number of Hispanic Americans have died from COVID-19 due to workplace exposure to the coronavirus compared with their non-Hispanic white counterparts.

While several explanations have been suggested — such as unequal access to healthcare and preexisting health conditions — the study authors say that no one had previously conducted tests to determine just what was driving this phenomenon.

To clarify just what was happening, the study authors decided to look at age-stratified patterns of COVID-19 deaths in relation to patterns of exposure to the coronavirus.

Source: healthline