Hope for COVID-19 Herd Immunity Is Fading. Here’s Why

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Experts say COVID-19 herd immunity will be difficult to achieve unless more of the world gets vaccinated. Lana Stock/Getty Images
  • Experts say herd immunity is an increasingly elusive goal when it comes to COVID-19.
  • While the United States is making progress with vaccinations, there’s still a long way to go.
  • On a global scale, a small percentage of people have been vaccinated.
  • Until a majority of Americans are vaccinated, it’s still best to follow mask wearing and physical distancing guidelines.

For a nation weary of the COVID-19 pandemic, the promise of vaccinations — and, eventually, herd immunity — has been the light at the end of the tunnel.

More than 40 percent of all people in the United States as well as more than half of adults have received at least one vaccine dose.

However, herd immunity, which would result in the coronavirus eventually fading away, remains a trickier proposition

And one that experts say seems increasingly unlikely.

Source: healthline