The Pandemic Has Taken a Serious Toll on Mental Health. What Happens When It’s Over?

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  • The pandemic has taken a huge toll on many people’s mental health across the globe. Many wrestled with the stress and anxiety that came with the first wave of lockdowns.
  • As public life returns to normal, experts caution there may be a PTSD-like lingering effect for some people.
  • Many people have lost a loved one or lived through extended isolation that can exacerbate underlying mental health issues.

Infections and deaths are down in several regions of the country. Vaccinations are up.

And despite concern about an uptick of COVID-19 cases in some pockets and significant vaccine hesitancy in many communities, life is gradually returning to normal.

But as people start venturing outdoors to restaurants, houses of worship, and other public gatherings, experts say that many people can expect to confront some lingering mental health effects of surviving the pandemic.

The pandemic has taken a huge toll on many people’s mental health across the globe. Many wrestled with the stress and anxiety that came with the first wave of lockdowns.

Many worried about the emotional impact that the loss of loved ones would have on them and their friends and neighbors. And others found it hard to deal with the grief and isolation.

Some found it hard to deal with some other consequences of the pandemic and accompanying lockdowns, including job loss and financial insecurity.

As public life returns to normal, experts caution there may be a PTSD-like lingering effect for some people, either from the loss of loved ones, extended isolation, or the exacerbation of underlying mental health issues.

Source: healthline