Why Your Beard May Be Increasing Your COVID-19 Risk

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Some types of beards can make it more difficult to get a good seal between your face and a mask, increasing your potential exposure to the coronavirus. Cavan Images/Getty Images
  • Beards may increase your risk for developing COVID-19.
  • A heavy beard makes it more difficult to get a good seal between the mask and your face.
  • This creates a gap where virus-containing droplets can enter your mask.
  • Certain styles of facial hair are better than others when it comes to getting a proper fit for your mask.

If you’ve been working at home or not getting out that much during the pandemic, it may have seemed like the perfect time to grow out a beard. Why go through the bother of shaving if you don’t have to, right?

Experts say, however, that your added facial hair might just be increasing your risk for developing COVID-19.

Source: healthline