How Long Does Immunity Last After COVID-19? What We Know

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New research shows that the antibodies that develop from COVID-19 remain in the body for at least 8 months. Getty Images
  • For those who recover from COVID-19, immunity to the virus can last at least 8 months and maybe longer, research shows.
  • Immunity can occur naturally after developing COVID-19 or from getting the COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Because the length of immunity after developing COVID-19 or getting the vaccine is unknown, practicing physical or social distancing and wearing a mask need to continue to stop the spread.

Whether you’ve recovered from COVID-19, received the vaccine, or neither, understanding immunity and how long it lasts can help give you important insight into how you can interact safely with others during the pandemic.

First, it helps to know what immunity means.

There are two types of immunity: natural and vaccine-induced.

Source: healthline