Why the Flu Season Basically Disappeared This Year

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Flu activity has been minimal this winter. Noam Galai/Getty Images
  • Flu season has been mild this year, thanks to the mitigation measures used to contain COVID-19, such as physical distancing and mask wearing.
  • School and office closures also contributed to the unusually inactive flu season.
  • The mitigation measures curbed influenza activity even though COVID-19 surged.

Last summer, infectious disease specialists warned that the COVID-19 pandemic could spiral into a “twindemic” when seasonal influenza hit.

But that nightmare scenario never unfolded. The flu didn’t get a strong footing in the United States this season and a twindemic never struck.

COVID-19 is likely far more contagious than the flu.

Because the virus that causes seasonal influenza spreads via respiratory droplets, the safety precautions used to prevent COVID-19, such as mask wearing and physical distancing, also helped cut down flu activity.

Source: healthline