Why Some Employers Are Paying Workers Extra to Get COVID-19 Vaccine

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Employers say paying workers to get a COVID-19 vaccine saves lives and money in the long run. Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images
  • Amtrak and other companies are paying employees extra to get the COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Company officials say the money is well spent because the vaccinations can help reduce sick leave among their workforce.
  • They add that healthy employees also keep customers and the community at large safe.

Get the COVID-19 vaccine and get paid for it.

That may sound too good to be true, but it’s not.

Amtrak officials have announced that they’re allowing excused absences for employees receiving their COVID-19 vaccine during regularly scheduled work hours.

The train service will provide an allowance equivalent to 2 hours of straight time pay when employees submit vaccine documentation.

The transportation company isn’t alone in their incentive plan, which encourages vaccination without mandating it.

Healthline asked companies to explain why they’re going this route and talked with experts about the impact such programs could have on business, employees, and customers.

Source: healthline