If You’re Young or Healthy, You May Need to Wait Until Summer for COVID-19 Vaccine

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Younger and healthier adults may have to wait until summer to get a COVID-19 vaccine, so they’re being urged to continue to follow safety precautions. People Images/Getty Images
  • It appears many younger people and healthy adults may have to wait until summer to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
  • Experts hope the approval of additional vaccines and quicker distribution can move up that timetable.
  • Experts are urging these groups to continue to follow safety protocols, as they can still contract the disease and transmit it.

Being young and healthy in the United States is usually considered a good thing.

That is, unless you’re living in a pandemic.

Schools are closed. Any normal place to be together is also shut down. Graduation ceremonies are reduced to drive-by photo opportunities.

COVID-19 has largely spared young people from serious illness.

For that reason, young people have been designated as the last in line to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

Now, new research suggests that people under age 24 are the most likely to contract COVID-19. Public health officials are thus pleading with young healthy adults to continue doing their part in protecting people more vulnerable to the virus by giving COVID-19 fewer chances to spread.

“We all want to get back to living our lives, but we have to be smart about it,” Dr. Nancy Gin, medical director of quality and clinical analysis for Kaiser Permanente in Southern California, told Healthline.

Source: healthline